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5 Questions: Rocío Azarloza

This month, F Newsmagazine spoke with Rocio Azarloza, MFA candidate in Photo.


5 Questions profiles SAIC students and faculty at work, in the school, and beyond. This month, F Newsmagazine spoke with Rocío Azarloza, an MFA candidate in Photography. Check out the rest of her work at

All images courtesy of the artist.


1. What is your background?

I got my BA in Image and Sound Design at the Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina, where I am from. During my time there, I produced mostly short films but, towards the end, I shifted to video installation and set one in a flooded basement for my final project. I am also a self-taught photographer who decided to drop the manual and get more experimental.

2. What themes or subject matter do you experiment with in your current work?

My current work has a lot to do with process and processing. I would say that the main topics within my practice are death and architecture. But it is through making [artwork] that I am able to process specific issues at different times. Right now, to be more specific, I am thinking a lot about monuments and memorabilia, and the role they have in our society.



3. How does your current work differ from what you were producing last semester?

For starters, I have been doing sculptural work! Although, I think I still approach it as a photographer. This semester, I have been really focused on exploring new materials that would work better with my current projects. Maybe it was because of the cold weather, but my practice during this semester was mostly developed inside my studio.

4. Have any artists, authors or exhibitions inspired you in the past few months?

In the past few months I have read a lot about the environment, particularly a book entitled Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World by Timothy Morton. Regarding similar topics, I’ve also been listening to different lectures by Naomi Klein. I encountered work that I have never seen before, like that of my compatriot Nicolas Garcia Uriburu – I am particularly interested in his Special Actions – and, more recently, the works of Rachel Whiteread. Finally, I am also currently reading The Grid Book by Hannah Higgins.


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 5. What are some materials you have tried or would like to try out in the future?

I’ve been working with plaster, cinderblocks, rebar, concrete, insulating foam, plastic bags, and acrylic paint. In general, I have a thing for plexiglas. I would like to learn more about casting and possibly work with resins. I’ve also been using developed photographic emulsion on fabric to make painting-like pieces.

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