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Personal essay
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Butterfly Effect: Riding the ‘L’ with Sailor Moon

July 6, 2024

On falling in love with the sailor senshi

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Slut Saga: The Anonymous Ones

March 12, 2024

Chemically Castrated Since 2021

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When You Call, I Answer

November 1, 2023

A personal look into the 11th annual 'Ragamala: A Celebration of South Asian...

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A Heartbreak in Fragments

October 27, 2023

Recovering from a bad breakup in a new city.

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An illustration of a young girl opening door that is much bigger than her. All around her is a cloud of many unicorns looking at her.

Listen to Your Unicorns

December 26, 2022

A personal essay on the worries that come with growing out of teenagehood.

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A Letter to my Mama in Kashmir

November 15, 2022

Onions here are different too. They don't make me very teary.

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Resume Gaps: How I Got Fired From My...

April 7, 2022

A series of essays by people in the SAIC community about their worst job...

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What Banning “Maus” Means to Me

April 7, 2022

One Jewish studentʼs response to the McMinn Country School Board banning Art...

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It’s Ok To Run the Dishwasher Twice

May 3, 2021

How the pandemic made me re-examine the rules that dictate my life.

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A One-Way Ticket In the Pandemic

May 18, 2020

On leaving the city to be with family, facing racism in the pandemic and...

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Notes On A Rabbit Stein, The Best Clickbait,...

April 16, 2020

Looking at things feels different now than it did before.

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Meditations in an Emergency

April 16, 2020

Quarantined far from home, two international students are forced to ask the...

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