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Final Gathering

A Virtual Exhibition of Digital Art

By Arts & Culture

Final Gathering is a group show installed in the vast nothing of online space, curated by F Newsmagazine’s Multimedia and Web Editor, Patrick Reynolds, and featuring the work of 24 artists. The exhibition is comprised of digital sculpture, 3D-scanned works, digital illustration, and photography.

As the summer approaches, many of us prepare to move on to the next stages in our lives, careers, and relationships. In the face of this inevitable and inescapable transition, let us convene once more in celebration of the times we have enjoyed together.

We will embrace the gifts that contemporary technology has afforded us. While we may no longer exist alongside one another in the physical world, we can continue to celebrate the times we have shared in the comforting glow of illuminated liquid crystals.

This exhibition has been optimized for a mobile viewing experience. Please view each gallery in Full Screen mode on your phone or tablet to explore the galleries using interactive motion.


Final Gathering. Works by Claudia Hart and little_deaths


 Gallery 1: Digital Sculpture


Featuring work by:

Claudia Hart

Yuehao Jiang

Jennifer Choi



Final Gathering. Works by Aubrey Manson, Keith Tolch, and Liviu pasare


Gallery 2: Digital Capture


Featuring work by:

Aubrey Manson

Keith Tolch

Liviu Pasare

Daniel Brookman


Final Gathering. Works by Jordan Whitney Martin, Alex Kostiw, Magdalena Wistuba, and Allison O'Flinn


 Gallery 3: Jessica B. Sattell Honorary Design Gallery


Featuring work by:

Christopher Givens

Jordan Whitney Martin

Alex Kostiw

Magdalena Wistuba

Monica Burciaga

Anna Smylie

Frederick Eschrich

Meghan Ryan Morris

Megan Pryce

Berke Yazicioglu

Allison O’Flinn


Final Gathering. Works by Derrick Woods-Morrow, Natalie Miller, and Max Leitner


 Gallery 4: Photography

Featuring work by:

Derrick Woods-Morrow

Natalie Miller

Max Leitner

Kimia Maleki

Paula Calvo



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