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What to do with a travel grant? Go to the Met, of course!

Heading to the Met to check out their recently unveiled retrospective of the late Alexander McQueen’s incredible designs.

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Over the weekend, while engaging in a Scream trilogy marathon with my roommate, I got an email from my program saying that I’d won a travel grant to put towards research for my thesis (a discussion about the plight of the contemporary fashion journalist). My busy summer schedule is putting some limitations on my mobility, but after a few days of daydreaming, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m going to do:


Behold: The Alexander McQueen retrospective at the Met. One of the most innovative designers in the history of the industry, this is a once-in-a-lifetime exhibit not to be missed. Thanks travel grant, for buying my ticket to NYC!

–Amanda Aldinger, Fashion Editor

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