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Empty and Lost by Cayetano Ferrer

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Empty and Lost

by Cayetano Ferrer

Ever envision a city street without instructions, directions, or advertisements? In the visual art project “Empty and Lost,” student Cayetano Ferrer creates new visual experiences by making digital prints of scenes taken from busy metropolitan environments with all the text taken out of them. The change is subtle, yet altering.

By transforming signage into shapes and colors, the chaotic world of Chicago’s Loop becomes a little easier on the eye. We are left with the feeling of emptiness, which recalls an experience of being lost in an unfamiliar environment. Even when the environment is actually quite familiar. It is an eerily comfortable position to be in, and will lead you to question your own place in public space.

Cayetano’s prints and signs can be viewed in person as part of a group exhibit called “City In Transit” at the 1926 gallery space. The opening reception is on May 4th from 8 to 10pm, and is curated by SAIC’s Arts Administration class, led by Josh Decter. It runs from April 30th through May 16th. Other artists whose work will be showcased include Michael Ryan, Laura Grey, Erin Moore, Jim Elniski, and Justin Goh.


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