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Shared living: It’s the best and the worst!

By Comics, Featured, Featured Comics


Panel 1: A person with short hair and earring stands happily. They are wearing a purple shirt.  They exclaim, “wow, freshman year of college! I’m so excited to live with my new roomie!”

Panel 2: The person now looks disgusted while putting on gloves. There are flies flying around. “I was the one cleaning everything. Bathroom, kitchen, floors, you name it.” “Ew.”

Panel 3: The person looks at the floor tired and still trying to hold onto hope. “Sophomore year, let’s hope this roomie cleans.” A box says, “Little did I know…”

Panel 4: The person sits quietly on the bed looking at a mountain of laundry and garbage. The box continues to say, “Her shit was all over the floor. On top of that she would spend 2 1⁄2 + hours in the bathroom EVERYDAY.” The person thinks, “I have to pee.”

Panel 5: The person is now crouched looking at the floor with hands on their head. “Junior year…” “Please.” They say, defeated.

Panel 6: The person looks up surprised as people talk to them, “Do you need any help making dinner?” “I’ll do the dishes.” “What’re we going to watch tonight?” A box reads, “I finally found them, roommates who care.”

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