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The voice cracks are normal!

By Comics



Panel 1: “Testoster-Tones by Nao”

Larynx: “let’s talk about meeee!”

The word Testoster-Tones is broken up into two lines, “tones” is spelled in cursive. Below sits a

pink larynx with a speech bubble.

Panel 2: Testosterone prescription bottle: “hey baby”

Nao: “hey you”

Nao’s body with swirly limbs floats beneath a pink and blue bottle of testosterone. Nao has curly

brown hair, no eyebrows, and a tiny mustache and is in the process of injecting testosterone into

their thigh.

Panel 3: “8 weeks on testosterone”

Nao marks off a large X on their fridge calendar to indicate their time elapsed on testosterone.

The fridge is its own character with feet and a belt.

Panel 4: “Two nonbinaries on the phone”

Emma: “Nao I think i’m a terrible person”

Nao: “???”

The panel is split in half diagonally with Emma on the left and Nao on the right. Emma calls Nao

on their cellphone, which is corded. The swirly cord divides the panel in half. Nao, on the right,

is depicted as a rotary phone.

Panel 5: Emma: “I told my friend they sounded really sick on the phone the other day and now I’m

realizing it’s just because they’re taking T so now I’m a certified transphobe fuck.”

Emma is depicted from above, talking into their phone and looking anxious.

Panel 6: Nao: “Stop why is that so funny”

“Shit I guess that makes me transphobic too.”


Nao is depicted laughing.

Panel 7: Nao: “hey mom!”

Nao with swirly limbs is depicted talking into their cell phone.

Panel 8: Lisa, Nao’s mom: “Oh no, you sound sick. Are you congested? Do you need zinc?”

Lisa sits on her bed with books behind her. She talks into her cell phone while she pats a black

cat that sits next to her.

Panel 9: Nao: “I have four bags of zinc. And it’s just the T voice.”


Nao lies down, kicking their feet and looking slightly exasperated.


Panel 1: “HAALLOO everyone!”

Nao’s mouth is open wide and they hold their hands to their mouth as they scream into their

apartment. Their voice cracks, as indicated by the spiky text bubble.

Panel 2: Piper, their roommate: “that was a crazy voice crack.”

Piper is depicted from above, typing on their computer. They sit on a purple chair.

Panel 3: Jonah, their friend: “It’s not fair. Your silly voices are just too powerful now.”


Jonah, with stubble and a new bob haircut, crosses his arms and looks slightly frustrated.

Panel 4: Nao: “isn’t her voice so deep and sexy?!”

Nao is depicted as a bed with a red bedspread, their pupils starry.

Panel 5: Lucas, their friend: “Is it really? Or do you just want to sound like her?”

Lucas, with glasses, looks at himself in the mirror.

Panel 6: Nao: “Ugh fine you’re right.”

“*He’s always right…*”


Nao is depicted as a bed again, looking frustrated.

Panel 7: “2 trans masc Jews”

Nao, Sophie, and Liv: “Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech”

Sophie, Liv, and Nao stand in front of a picnic table with a checkered tablecloth, two candles, cups, and challah. The label “2 trans masc Jews” points at Liv (with a green mullet) and Nao.

Panel 8: Liv and Nao: “hAolam,”

Candle #1: “holy shit”

Candle #2: “who let these two sing?”

Liv and Nao’s voices, cracking from testosterone, break into the next panel, their spiky speech bubble pushing the candle wicks. The candles are depicted with stressed-looking faces.

Panel 9: Nao: “oops”


Nao blushes, looking at the candles from the previous panel.

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