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Bad Parable – Must Be Summer

Summertime sadness has hit home strong with Bad Parable – Must Be Summer by Teddie Bernard.

By Comics, Featured Comics

Panel One: Yello the Mouse and Bev the Bever stand in a field. Bev says, "What do you mean you don't like summer...?" Panel Two: Yello stands in the field, now with Carry the Cardinal. Carry says, "Ha! You're weird for that, everyone likes summer!" Panel Three: Yello crouches down in the field, Macy the Cow now standing near them. The colors are slightly brighter as the sun beats down. Macy says "Summer depression? No, yeah, that doesn't exist." Panel Four: Yello is now melted into a puddle in the field. The colors are brightly saturated. Kat the cat approaches them saying "Hey, Yello, you okay?" Yello responds "Never been better."

Bad Parable – Must Be Summer by Teddie Bernard.


Panel One: Yello the Mouse and Bev the Bever stand in a field. Bev says, “What do you mean you don’t like summer…?”

Panel Two: Yello stands in the field, now with Carry the Cardinal. Carry says, “Ha! You’re weird for that, everyone likes summer!”

Panel Three: Yello crouches down in the field, Macy the Cow now standing near them. The colors are slightly brighter as the sun beats down. Macy says “Summer depression? No, yeah, that doesn’t exist.”

Panel Four: Yello is now melted into a puddle in the field. The colors are brightly saturated. Kat the cat approaches them saying “Hey, Yello, you okay?” Yello responds “Never been better.”

Teddie Bernard (BFA 2023) is a multimedia artist and cartoonist who has never had a Pepsi. Find more of their work at
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