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Garden of Eden 01

Garden of Eden 01, a new comic from Hasmik Arakelyan.

By Comics, Featured Comics

Garden of Eden 01 Panel one: POV of hands held up in the air. Blue sky with clouds in the background. Text panel at the bottom reads “I feel so warm.” Panel two: Top down view of a person’s laying in grass looking up at their hands. They have big yellow flower petals growing out of their head, framing the face, and short black curly hair. Text panel at the bottom reads “is it the sun?” Panel three: Zoomed out view. Next to them on the grass is another flower person with light pink petals, also with short black hair, turned to their side. Text panel on the right reads “or is it…” Panel four: Flower people are sitting up looking each other in the eyes. Only their heads to the upper arm is visible. Blue sky is behind them. Text dispersed in the background reads “” Text bubble coming from yellow flower person reads “I feel sick”. They both look a little sad.

Garden of Eden 01 by Hasmik Arakelyan.


Garden of Eden 01

Panel one: POV of hands held up in the air. Blue sky with clouds in the background. Text panel at the bottom reads “I feel so warm.”

Panel two: Top down view of a person’s laying in grass looking up at their hands. They have big yellow flower petals growing out of their head, framing the face, and short black curly hair. Text panel at the bottom reads “is it the sun?”

Panel three: Zoomed out view. Next to them on the grass is another flower person with light pink petals, also with short black hair, turned to their side. Text panel on the right reads “or is it…”

Panel four: Flower people are sitting up looking each other in the eyes. Only their heads to the upper arm is visible. Blue sky is behind them. Text dispersed in the background reads “…you.” Text bubble coming from yellow flower person reads “I feel sick”. They both look a little sad.

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