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Julia Zinn – Knuckle Tattoo Trilogy Trailor

Student Video Art Profile

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Artist Statement
“Knuckle Tattoo Trilogy” is a 13-minute long movie that was made during the summer of 2005. It is divided into three short segments and is in the style of a late 50’s juvenile delinquent movie, but all the dialogue is delivered by way of knuckle tattoos.

The trailer and poster were designed in the style of exploitation cinema advertising – particularly that of juvenile delinquent films – featuring wordy, over-the-top, exaggerated descriptions of the movie’s depravity and shock value along side claims that the characters reflect the true behavior of the era’s teenagers. The knuckle tattoo dialogue is made use of as the movie’s gimmick – gimmicks always being a bonus, on top of depravity and outrageous content, for exploitation films, which rarely had big-name actors or large budgets to boast about. I used editing devices typical of this genre and its trailers, such as ‘explosion’ and wipe transitions and hand-painted captions and titles (rather than digitally-created ones).

Another feature of the exploitation cinema advertising campaign was that it frequently surpassed or equaled the actual film in entertainment value and would add to the fun of attending such movies. While I’d like to think the full version of “Knuckle Tattoo Trilogy” lives up to its mini-advertising campaign, I attempted to make a trailer that was as fun to watch as any true exploitation trailer.

Movie Info

Writing/Editing/Voice-Over: Julia Zinn

Starring: William Mockry, Kevin Corcoran, Chris Brewer, Brock W.K. Potucek, Lauren Kimball-Brown, Lisa Floor, Holly Santee, Julia Zinn, Niki Hossack, & Lena Marvin

Written by: Lauren Kimball-Brown
Directed by: Lauren Kimball-Brown & Julia Zinn
Edited by: Julia Zinn
Make-up by: Lisa Floor
Sets/Props/Hair/Costumes/Transportation: All Cast

Music: Chad Lefkowitz-Brown, Mario Pompetti, The Diamondheads, Joe Meek
(the first two used in trailer)

Thanks/Apologies: Jason Barker, Jennifer Brown, Philip Kimball, Josephine Michener, & everyone whose property we spilled blood on. Please contact Julia Zinn at [email protected] if you have an interest in obtaining a copy of the DVD (or VHS tape).

Copyright 2005-6 Julia Zinn | Unauthorized use or duplication is a violation of applicable laws and is subject to prosecution.

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