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Safe Space: Eugene Von Bruenchenhein at Kohler Arts

November 21, 2017

At the Kohler Arts Center, an "outsider" makes space for his world in ours.

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The ‘Complicated, Elusive, Generous’ Jennifer Packer

November 3, 2017

At the Renaissance Society, a thoroughly original painter dazzles in her first...

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Visual Language: The Illustrations of Saul Steinberg

October 25, 2017

The Art Institute of Chicago presents a fresh perspective on the late...

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Scattered Celebration: M.F. Husain at the Art Institute

October 25, 2017

"The Picasso of India" finally gets his due in the U.S. Now about that...

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Anniversary of ‘Parade’ Reminds America to Think of...

September 26, 2016

While our battlefields have changed, our attitudes towards fighting have not.

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‘Lost’ and Found: Chicago Has a New Kind...

September 14, 2016

At Lost Arts, a Chicago-based space for artists and creators, cross-pollination...

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“Invisible Man”: Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison in...

July 24, 2016

The Art Institute of Chicago places novelist Ralph Ellison next to photographer...

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Poetic Interpretation No. 2: The Shithole

May 2, 2016

Ethan Kaplan explores The Shithole.

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The Black Experience

April 28, 2016

The Black Experience celebrates culture and asks big questions.

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