Title: Gender Identity V. Workplaces
Page 1:
Panel 1: “An Unfortunate Reality Many Trans Workers Face:” Shows a close-up of a person putting their name tag on it says ‘John’
Panel 2: Shows a close-up of the person choosing to take the name tag off.
Panel 3: “Do I Suffer through my minimum wage job AND get harassed for my name?” The panel is shaped like the Trans symbol and John, a short-haired white man, speaks.
Panel 4: Shows a zoomed-out shot of John behind the counter at a movie theater concession stand, talking to the reader “As a visibly trans man I have had my fair share of hostile interactions-
Panel 5: “From Managers trying to intimidate me out of the men’s restroom-” Shows a bathroom door with the male symbol on it. The manager inside says “This is the men’s room.”
Panel 6: Shows two people in theater attendant uniforms talking in the bathroom and the employee responds “I know.”
Panel 7: Shows the manager’s face as he scowls emphasizing “Mens. Room.”
Panel 8: Shows the employee’s face equally frustrated as they respond again “I. Know.”
Panel 9: “To Uncomfortable conversations with customers about my name and Lifestyle” It Shows a dark-haired woman visibly upset as she says “John?”
Panel 10: The dialogue continues to the next panel with the same woman waving her hand and smirking “Do your parents know?”
Panel 11: Shows Employee embarrassed and exhausted looking as he replies “Yes. They do.”
Page 2:
Panel 1: “When it comes to protection and information about Trans and GNC folks in the workplace information is severely lacking.
Panel 2: Pictures a chipper older man in a suit and tie, he holds up one finger to punctuate his point “If this very specific scenario happens don’t be mean, you guys that would suck!”
Panel 3: John is poking his head out from behind the dialogue boxes as he says “ Treating Trans and GNC folks in the workplace as “ifs” invites ignorance. Some potential things to improve safety are-“
Panel 4: The Panel shows three people smiling. “1. Challenge Norms: Avoid treating trans and GNC folks interactions as “ifs” and instead “whens” in training. This can open up conversations and prevent ignorance.”
Panel 5: This panel shows a looming figure labeled HR looking down at a small nervous-looking person. “2. Accountability: HR often exists to protect the company. Not the employees. Create spaces for accountability and protecting marginalized identities.”
Panel 6: This panel pictures three name tags with various names including “John” “Danny” and “Usher”. “3. Nametags: Name tags being required can often force trans folks to out themselves or be dead named, making them optional can deter this.”
Panel 7: shows John smiling foliage surrounding him as he stands against a blue background. “Community is ultimately the most important thing. In order to allow change and growth worker unity is needed.”