Saddam Hussein Double Escapes Porn Gang Again - F Newsmagazine

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Saddam Hussein Double Escapes Porn Gang Again

A guy who looks like Saddam Hussein escaped another kidnapping attempt by a gang who wants him to perform in adult movies. Mohamed Bishr was forced into the back of a van and beaten by three men in black suits in downtown Alexandria, Egypt. His son said that previously his father was offered LE2 million …

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A guy who looks like Saddam Hussein escaped another kidnapping attempt by a gang who wants him to perform in adult movies.

Mohamed Bishr was forced into the back of a van and beaten by three men in black suits in downtown Alexandria, Egypt. His son said that previously his father was offered LE2 million pounds ($333,000) to impersonate Hussein in pornographic movies.

Bishr, a devout Muslim, refused.

Saddam ‘double’ escapes Alexandria porn kidnap gang, again

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