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The Design Show

The VisCom department cobbles itself together for the fifth straight year to present the genre-bending work of graduating students in the Design Show.

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By Eric Baskauskas

On May 19th, the Visual Communication Design (VisCom) department, masters and bachelors alike (yours truly included), cobbled itself together for the fifth straight year to present the genre-bending work of graduating students in the Design Show.

Each student was given a desk space in one of the VisCom classrooms on the 11th floor of the Sharp building; we laid out our best work to be browsed by peers, parents, professors, and professionals. The VisCom department has always straddled the worlds of art and design; the Design Show found us leaning toward the latter’s more “professional” orientation.

[nggallery id=35]

Operating more like an open house than a traditional art show, the event was marked by an odd mixture of pride and desperation. We were all supplied with name tags and we all hovered awkwardly around our work, holding internal arguments about whether we should allow our creations to speak for themselves (pride) or if we should be present in case a job offer came strolling by (desperation).

Occupational pressures aside, it was a solid gathering of work and cause for celebration for both the department and its students. I’m not sure if anyone got a job out of the deal, but there was plenty of free food.

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