Panel 1: A person with short hair and earring is seen drawing a comic when suddenly their phone buzzes and they look over at it.
Panel 2: The person now holds the phone while it continues to buzz. The caller is shown to be
Panel 3: “Eh what the hell,” the person says and answers the phone. “Hello?”
Panel 4: The person rests their head on the desk, exhausted, while the person on the phone asks them questions, “Hi, I’m conducting a survey about the upcoming election.”
“ok,” the person replies.
“Would you say you lean more democrat or republican?” The person over the phone asks.
“Can I prefer not to say?”
“Sure.” The person on the phone continues, “What is your opinion on *insert politician here*?”
The person responds the same, “I prefer not to say.”
The man on the phone is persistent, “That’s fine. Let me read you their statement: blah blah
politics blah blah, has your view of them changed?”
The person answers the same again, “prefer not to say.”
Panel 5: “As for your opinion on this other politician, I’ll just say that you prefer not to say,” The
person on the phone said. “Yes thank you.” Responded the person.
Panel 6: Finally it was over, “thanks for answering these questions.” “No problem. Bye.” The
person throws their phone over their shoulder. “Ugh. Politics.”