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A Day in the Life of a Vampire

“Living” a simple life

By Comics, Featured, Featured Comics


Page 1:

Panel 1: A vampire with a large pointy nose (Vince) is asleep in his coffin with Z’s surrounding him. He is clutching his covers up to his chin and his feet are sticking out of the covers at the bottom. Narration reads: “Vise from ze coffin.”

Panel 2: A close up on his bleary eyes opening.

Panel 3: Narration reads: “Brush ze fangs.” A behind-view of Vince, in his old man pajamas, brushing his teeth in the mirror, but he has no reflection so the mirror is only showing a toothbrush floating in the air.

Panel 4: Narration reads: “Choose outfit of ze day after carevul considervation.” Vince is looking in his closet, which is only full of identical black robes with high, pointy collars.

Panel 5: Vince stands outside on his front door step, where it is a sunny day out. He has a briefcase in one hand and is holding an umbrella open over himself in the other. Narration reads: “Ready for vork!”

Panel 6: Narration reads: “Commute to vork in hearse.” A long panel shows us the hearse with Vince inside, driving down a street, with city buildings in the background.

Page 2:

Panel 7 and 8: Narration above both panels reads: “Vork ze desk job (bleh).” In panel 7, Vince is sticking his long nose over the wall of his coworker’s cubicle from his own cubicle. “Grveetings, Sarah!” he says. Sarah, in a word balloon that is going off the page so we cannot see her, responds, “Morning, Vince.” In panel 8, Vince is in his cubicle and is hunched over his laptop, typing. He is wearing little round old man glasses.

Panel 9: A circular panel with narration curling around it that says: “Shift over, head downtown.” Vince, while driving, is leaning out of the window of his hearse and yelling obscenities.

Panel 10: Vince is halfway through a door in a brick alley. The door has a sign on it that says “STAGE DOOR,” and he is holding a duffle bag. Narration reads: “Enter venue.” At the bottom of the panel, an extra text box reads, “*Catch The Countess in another issue to see what happens here!”

Panel 11: From behind, Vince’s hearse is driving away from us on the highway .Narration reads: “Drive home.”

Panel 12: Narration reads: “Get veady for rest.” A borderless panel that is the darkness of Vince’s bedroom. Vince is in silhouette putting his pajamas on, while his work-robe and socks are strewn on a chair.

Panel 13: Narration reads: “Return to ze coffin.” A smiling Vince is snuggled back in his coffin with hands politely laid on top of each other on the cover he’s under. He is thinking or dreaming of cute bunny, cat, and dog faces, as well as random shapes and swirls.

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