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Invisible People

What invisibility looks like

By Comics, Featured, Featured Comics


Page One

INVISIBLE is written atop the 3 x 3 black and white panel layout.

Panel One: Two people are across from one another in a hallway labeled “ward 3,” the caption writes “I saw invisibility that night” and the person on the left is whispering to the person across the hall saying “look at this!”

Panel Two: “They told me to look, so I did” with a closeup drawing of the girl on the right gazing across the hall.

Panel Three: “Everything was gone, shrouded by darkness,” with a drawing of a glowing arm attached to a shrouded body which stands next to a nurses rolling station.

Panel Four: “Besides their arm and the nurse desk.” Both are shown surrounded by darkness.

Panel Five: “I was astonished and I knew I could try “it” too” with a drawing of the patient stretching her hands and smiling in preparation.

Panel Six: “I grabbed a green apple and held it by my side in public” while the drawing shows the apple in the foreground and the public in the background.

Panel Seven: “And wished it invisible” with a drawing of a hand, apple, and brain connected to one another.

Panel Eight: A lady is shown gawking at the invisible apple in the foreground, and the caption writes, “The lady looking made a face I will never forget.”

Panel Nine: “And since then I have been convinced… Invisibility exists” with a bunch of invisible people shown by dotted lines.

Page Two

Panel One, Two, and Three: The patient is shown walking through a crowd of invisible people. “I can walk through them but feel a coldness.”

Panel Four: A hand holds an invisible hand “Hold a hand”

Panel Five: A closeup of the hand “that slips away” and the invisible hand does slip away.

Panel Six: The girl has her finger to her lips with a long shhhhhhh beside her. The caption writes “Don’t talk about the feeling.”

COLDNESS is written in bold as a gutter barrier before the last 3 panels.

Panel Seven, Eight, and Nine: A profile of the girl eating an apple. Crnch, open mouth, and crnch again.

Page Three

Panel One: An invisible figure with a bob haircut says, “eat the apple slowly, or else”

Panel Two: The invisible figure is typing at a keyboard on a nurse desk while saying, “The fruit you begin with becomes part of your power — it becomes the Initiator.”

Panel Three: The patient girl is facing away from us and towards the invisible figure who continues on by saying, “I ate my fruit too fast so mine tends to glitch” The figure’s arm and bob haircut are more clearly seen (the glitch).

WARMTH is written in bold as a gutter barrier on top of the next 3 x 2 panels.

Panel Four: Cherries floating with The invisible person stating, “I chose cherries”

Panel Five and Six: An apple degrading and decaying in a row. The invisible lady says, “you chose — the apple”

Panel Seven: The patient girl is on the phone. The person on the phone says, “you are deeply loved”

Panel Eight: The person on the phone continues, “even though your brain is different” while the girl sheds a tear and stares at her eaten apple pit.

Panel Nine: The girl thinks “um…” and then responds with “you are so right! I LOVE YOU” while the shadow of the apple pit floats alongside her.

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