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Hallowwen Ball Mix-Up — Logic Puzzle

Can you organize the mixed up costume-contest awards for SAIC’s spooktacular Halloween Ball?

By Comics, Featured

“Halloween Ball Mix-Up” by Cameron Newell

Everybody who’s anybody was at SAIC’s Halloween Ball. Unfortunately for Iris, she’s been tasked with giving out superlatives for how different couples dressed up. She wrote down the two names, couples costume, and what superlative the couple won on her computer, but it crashed and the information got all scrambled. Can you organize it for her from the information she has left so she can hand out the awards?

For simplicity, the two people in each couple have been labeled as either big spoon or little spoon.

1. Carrie is dressed as the Riddler, but didn’t come with Jason.
2. Vlad did not come with Michael or Victor.
3. The couples costume that was the most frightening at the Ball was worn by a couple whose names both start with J.
4. Victor is dressed as Ken, but unfortunately, no one thought he was funny.
5. The soap and loofah couple made everyone at the Ball laugh.
6. Michael and his date dressed as the Riddler won best dressed.

  • Jack and Jason were dressed as a horse and won scariest costume.
  • Vlad and Tiffany were dressed as soap and a loofah and won funniest costume.
  • Bella and Victor were dressed as Barbie and Ken and won best makeup.
  • Carrie and Michael were dressed as Batman and the Riddler and won best dressed.

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