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Symbionics #4

Summer heat is tough for everyone, even robots.

By Comics, Featured Comics

Panel 1: Beatrix is talking with a girl; both of them are flushed and sweating because it’s so hot out. The girl says, "God, it’s so hot out…" Bea replies, "Tell me about it…"Panel 2: The girl looks down at Bea with a hand on her hip; she’s smiling. She says, "You’re lucky, the heat must not be a big deal for you." Meanwhile Bea seems confused by what she’s saying. Bea asks, "Huh? What do you mean?" Panel 3: The girl sticks a hand out as she tries to explain her reasoning, but Bea seems a little off put by her assumptions. The girl says, "Well, aren’t robots like- made of cold metal???" Bea responds, "actually…" Panel 4: Bea is sitting between her friends, cuddled with her in Byte’s lap, and Bit in her lap. They both seem very happy, but Bea is red in the face, with steam coming off of her. A note reads, "Robots tend to overheat when it’s hotter out…" Bea mumbles, "Hot…"

“Symbionics #4” by Casey O’Connor.


Panel 1: Beatrix is talking with a girl; both of them are flushed and sweating because it’s so hot out. The girl says, “God, it’s so hot out…” Bea replies, “Tell me about it…”

Panel 2: The girl looks down at Bea with a hand on her hip; she’s smiling. She says, “You’re lucky, the heat must not be a big deal for you.” Meanwhile Bea seems confused by what she’s saying. Bea asks, “Huh? What do you mean?”

Panel 3: The girl sticks a hand out as she tries to explain her reasoning, but Bea seems a little off put by her assumptions. The girl says, “Well, aren’t robots like- made of cold metal???” Bea responds, “actually…”

Panel 4: Bea is sitting between her friends, cuddled with her in Byte’s lap, and Bit in her lap. They both seem very happy, but Bea is red in the face, with steam coming off of her. A note reads, “Robots tend to overheat when it’s hotter out…” Bea mumbles, “Hot…”

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