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Everyone’s Doing It!

“Come on in, the water is (feverishly) warm!”

By Comics, Featured, Featured Comics

Transcript: "Everybody's Doing It!" is a one-panel editorial cartoon. At the top of the cartoon, a logo representing SAIC is jumping off a cliff, throwing behind itself a mask onto a larger pile of masks on the cliff. SAIC is jumping into the water below, where we see four other colleges swimming, represented by their logos: Saint Louis University, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, and University of Chicago. The waterhole the colleges are swimming in is a sickly green color, dozens of virus particles swimming around them. The colleges seem not to notice and cheer on SAIC as it joins them down below. 

“Everybody’s Doing It!” by Teddie Bernard.

Transcript: “Everybody’s Doing It!” is a one-panel editorial cartoon. At the top of the cartoon, a logo representing SAIC is jumping off a cliff, throwing behind itself a mask onto a larger pile of masks on the cliff. SAIC is jumping into the water below, where we see four other colleges swimming, represented by their logos: Saint Louis University, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, and University of Chicago. The waterhole the colleges are swimming in is a sickly green color, dozens of virus particles swimming around them. The colleges seem not to notice and cheer on SAIC as it joins them down below.

Teddie Bernard (BFA 2023) is a multimedia artist and cartoonist who has never had a Pepsi. Find more of their work at
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