Pratima Pinnepalli’s “The Humors of Cancel Culture” shows us humorism may still be relevant to a contemporary person.
Panel 1: Title. “The HUMORS of Cancel Culture” written on a ribbon.
Panel 2: A character in red labeled “Blood” has a bloody nose and is saying “You can’t joke about anything anymore!”
Panel 3: A character in green is coughing into their fist.
Panel 4: The character in green labeled “Phlegm” is spitting out phlegm and saying “Most good humor is going to offend someone!”
Panel 5: A character in yellow labeled “Yellow Bile” is vomiting out the words “Political correctness is killing comedy!”
Panel 6: A character in black labeled “Black Bile” is vomiting out the words “You’re just taking it the wrong way!”
Panel 7: A character in blue (unlabeled) looks at the sickness of the other characters and says “Umm…are you doing alright?”