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The Humors of Cancel Culture

“The Humors of Cancel Culture” by Pratima Pinnepalli.

By Comics, Featured, Featured Comics

Panel 1: Title. “The HUMORS of Cancel Culture” written on a ribbon. Panel 2: A character in red labeled “Blood” has a bloody nose and is saying “You can’t joke about anything anymore!” Panel 3: A character in green is coughing into their fist. Panel 4: The character in green labeled “Phlegm” is spitting out phlegm and saying “Most good humor is going to offend someone!” Panel 5: A character in yellow labeled “Yellow Bile” is vomiting out the words “Political correctness is killing comedy!” Panel 6: A character in black labeled “Black Bile” is vomiting out the words “You’re just taking it the wrong way!” Panel 7: A character in blue (unlabeled) looks at the sickness of the other characters and says “Umm…are you doing alright?”

Pratima Pinnepalli’s “The Humors of Cancel Culture” shows us humorism may still be relevant to a contemporary person.


Panel 1: Title. “The HUMORS of Cancel Culture” written on a ribbon. 

Panel 2: A character in red labeled “Blood” has a bloody nose and is saying “You can’t joke about anything anymore!”

Panel 3: A character in green is coughing into their fist.

Panel 4: The character in green labeled “Phlegm” is spitting out phlegm and saying “Most good humor is going to offend someone!”

Panel 5: A character in yellow labeled “Yellow Bile” is vomiting out the words “Political correctness is killing comedy!”

Panel 6: A character in black labeled “Black Bile” is vomiting out the words “You’re just taking it the wrong way!”

Panel 7: A character in blue (unlabeled) looks at the sickness of the other characters and says “Umm…are you doing alright?”

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