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Rendezvous with Ananda Shankar Jayant

A conversation with a master of Indian performing arts.

By Arts & Culture

Ananda Shankar Jayant, Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi exponent, taught a master class at the Chicago Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts during her tour of the United States. Ritika Gupta caught up with the renowned dancer to speak about her artistic journey and her fight with cancer. For more information, you can watch Jayant’s TED Talk here.

Rendezvous with Ananda Shankar Jayant from F Newsmagazine on Vimeo.

One Response to Rendezvous with Ananda Shankar Jayant

  1. Lol says:

    I hope u are not as annoying as your haircut which u cannot seem to hold in place !

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