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New School Year News

2013 Enrollment, student housing in the Buckingham and SAIC diversity initiatives continue.


“We all have a lot of work and learning to do,” Brown told F Newsmagazine. “ I think this is an amazing time to make history in our influential piece of the art world.”

Brown lead led many conversations on race during her time as a student. Her experience includes curating the Mythologies exhibition at the Sullivan Galleries and moderating the Controversy, Community and Curriculum panel, mentioned previously. “I hope to continue to spark interest in the ongoing diversity initiatives at the school,” Brown said when asked about how she plans to use her new appointment, “as well as build more connections between students and other institutions and neighborhoods throughout Chicago.”

Following through on the topics raised by the Controversy, Community and Curriculum panel, Brown is currently working with the Dean’s office to develop “a series of talks about identity and difference with faculty.” She is also “working on increasing the attention paid to queer artists of color and other constituencies that don’t often get as much publicity at our school.”

“I would love if those students [who are interested in being more informed and knowledgeable about issues of difference] would attend the wide range of programs that Multicultural Affairs, the Student Programming Board, and the Dean’s Office are planning this year.”

A schedule for these events has not yet been issued, but Brown encourages students to contact her directly for more information about this programming as well as if they “wish to receive some training on these issues or have topics they would like to see addressed moving forward.”

While it may be too early to know whether these changes will indeed meet Black at SAIC’s challenge to change the community at SAIC, the school is taking steps toward broadening the dialogue.

Housing Outsourced

SAIC has had a record year for on-campus housing applications (2013-2014). To meet the needs of incoming students, Residence Life has partnered with a private residence hall, the Buckingham, at 59 E Van Buren. 108 SAIC students will live at the Buckingham this year, occupying six floors of the 1929 Art Deco National Landmark building. The apartments at the Buckingham house 2-5 students and feature both private and shared bedrooms, full kitchens, in-unit washers/dryers and furnished living rooms. Further amenities include an exercise room, bike room and lounge. The building also houses students from Columbia College, DePaul University, Roosevelt University and University of Illinois at Chicago.

Enrollment Increasing for 2013-2014

Despite an expected decline in national college enrollment, SAIC is seeing a slight increase in enrollment from the previous academic year.

SAIC enrollment exceeded the school’s goal with 1260 total new students, up from 1113 last year, according to enrollment analyst Megan Mason. There were around 4500 applications initially received this year. This figure is subject to change significantly between now and the end of add/drop in September.

According to a report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, national enrollment for the Spring of 2013 showed decreases across the board, except for in Private Nonprofit 4 Year schools, like SAIC, which saw a .5 percent increase. These decreases are expected to continue across the country.

Additionally, Chineses student enrollment has exceeded Korean student enrollment, which previously had the highest percentage of international enrollment. Mason explained that this may reflect the school’s interest in diversifying the international student enrollment.

The male to female ratio of students is remaining at 69 percent female and 31 percent male.

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