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Judd Morrissey & Mark Jeffery: A Collaborative Practice

SAIC Faculty Judd Morrissey and Mark Jeffery discuss their collaborative work including Performance, Art & Technology and Writing practices.

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SAIC Faculty Judd Morrissey and Mark Jeffery discuss their collaborative work including Performance, Art & Technology and Writing practices.

One Response to Judd Morrissey & Mark Jeffery: A Collaborative Practice

  1. […] Mark Jeffery and Judd Morrissey have been invited to This is Performance Art Festival in Glasgow as well as BigScreen Plaza in NYC in 2012 with their large scale work The Precession An 80 Foot long Internet Art Performance Poem. We are needing to fundraise to take the large scale performance to these cities in the spring. The project was initially inspired by a visit to Las Vegas and the Hoover Dam in 2008. A memorial to labour in the form of an intricate New Deal-era celestial map permanently installed at the dam began a complex investigation into monuments, the worker, and astronomical phenomena including precession, the ongoing, cyclical tilting of the earth’s axis that results in changes in what we identify as the polestar over millennia. When we removed the first letter, recession remained. 5 minute Video of The Precession HERE: and 5 minute Video INFO on the artists collaboration HERE: […]

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