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Arts & Culture

MCA’s On Stage: Resonance ‘Tremor’

May 17, 2024

How Samita Sinha’s ‘Tremor’ explores complex emotions through Indian...

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Working Within White Space

May 13, 2024

Joseph Mora examines the condition of the institution

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Ballet Review: The Many Almosts of the Joffrey’s...

May 10, 2024

Far from a Shakespearean tale, indeed

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SAIC’s Impact Performance Festival 2024

April 27, 2024

Photos and quotes from students and faculty

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Challenging the limits of art through community

April 25, 2024

A deep dive into the world of experimental theater at the Sense x No Nation...

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Reconciling Nature through Arts

April 18, 2024

Block Museum’s new exhibition on eco-awareness

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The Quilt Of Community

April 9, 2024

Essay: What makes Oxbow school of Art special

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Recontextualizing African Art

April 7, 2024

A look at how the Faie African Art Gallery changes how we view African Art

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Black Art Collectives in Chicago

March 31, 2024

Find your village in this concrete jungle.

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Reimagining Jazz’s Funeral

March 17, 2024

A Reflection on ‘The Cry of Jazz’

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The Ghostly Strength of ‘Studies in Blue’

March 6, 2024

How the Joffery Ballet’s latest production uses dance to communicate the pain...

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Mickey Mouse Met the Public Domain

March 3, 2024

What does it actually mean for the Mouse House to lose copyright protection on...

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