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To my friends

Passions never really die

By Comics, Featured Comics

Title: To my friends

Page 1
Panel 1:
Caption: Every time I talk with my friends back home, I am reminded of the fact that doing art in
college is not the norm.
*intense comic making * “This 8-page comic is going to kick my butt!”
*intense conventional college major homework* “So many… Lab reports…”

Panel 2:
Caption: Many times I’ve wondered what life would’ve been like had I pursued… business, or
science, or… law?

Panel 3:
Caption: But more often than not, I think about the friends that I’ve made through art, those who
have inspired me to commit to this practice… who have now changed to follow another career
“Hehe…Silly guys”

Page 2
Panel 1:
Caption: It was like a slap back to reality. It made me see how ‘passions’ could just seemingly
disappear, gone without a trace.
Me: “What college courses are you applying to?”
Friend who I’ve been boothing at art conventions with since I was 16: “Economics? Maybe…
Me: But why…

Panel 2:
Caption: It can be a very lonely feeling at first, but I’ve decided that to believe that passions
never really die out, instead they’re passed onto people that have been influenced by it. They
exist in the lives they’ve changed, in the paths they’ve redirected.
Their passions for art live in me, and I’ll always be creating in their stead.

Panel 3:
Caption: Even if they’ve not picked up a paintbrush since, even if they’re no longer in my life, or
this world.

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