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PEOPLE VS. SPACE : Jaume Plensa + SAIC

‘Every human being is a ‘place’. Every woman, man, child, old person is a habitable space as such, which moves and develops…”

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PEOPLE VS. SPACE : Jaume Plensa + SAIC from F Newsmagazine on Vimeo.

‘Every human being is a ‘place’. Every woman, man, child, old person is a habitable space as such, which moves and develops; a ‘place’ corresponding to a time, a geography, a volume and a color. Entire cities built with bodies opening and closing like doors. Blinks of lights. Each time a human being dies, a house is closed and a ‘place’ is lost. My work is their memory. The frozen fixation of so many bodies which develop and disappear in the fleetingness of light. My work is their volume.’

3-week summer session entitled “People vs. Space”, led by World-renowned Spanish Sculptor Jaume Plensa and ATS faculty members, John Manning and Bo Rodda.

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