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Monsters, start your engines!

By Comics, Featured Comics


Panel 1: Declares the title “Vamp-Tire #1 Frankenstein’s Monster Truck.” The main character, Revfield, has dark hair that covers one of his eyes. He looks sullen.

Panel 2: Revfield stands in front a checkered flag, and the word VAMP is written across his racing uniform. A narration reads, “Revfield is the greatest racer on the planet.”

Panel 3: We see a vampire biting the hood of Revfields car. “But after getting his car bit by a vampire…”

Panel 4: Revfield stands next to his car (Vamp-tire) – which is dark, sleek, and has bat wings on the side. The front-lights are red. “He must learn to use the vampiric-cursed car to win!”

Panel 5: The narrator says, “ one night under the bridge…” while Revfield sits on the hood of his car, a crowd of people surrounding him. Someone calls out, “hey, Revfield!”

Panel 6: Dr. Victoria Frankenstein appears. They have mad-scientist hair, goggles, and crazy yellow eyes.  They exclaim, “I’m Dr. Victoria Frankenstein! I want to have your car for my evil experiments!” They point at themself with their thumb.

Panel 7: We see a close-up of Revfield’s angry face. He says, “My Honor! You must race me now!”

Panel 8: Victoria Frankenstein crosses their arms, “then you can have my car if you win.” Revfield looks determined and closes his fist, “deal!”

Panel 9: We see a comparison of the two Monster-trucks. Frankenstein’s truck has stitches across its body, black hair on the roof of the car, and screws on the side that stick out. It has low speed, max durability, and is ranked high in abilities. Revfield’s car is beside Frankensteins, showing it has max speed, low durability, and is also ranked high in abilities.

Panel 10: A checkered flag stretches across the panel. Stoplights accompany the pattern. In the center of the flags, it declares, “GO!”

Panel 11: A wheel turning fast. SFX: VRRRRRR

Panel 12: A hand grabbing the steering wheel tightly. SFX: VROOOM

Panel 13: A foot pressing aggressively on a gas pedal. SFX: SKREEE

Panel 14: Victoria Frankenstein makes an evil face, sticking their tongue out – their eyes are wide. “I’m going to cheat by using my evil death ray! Hahaha!”

Panel 15: The yellow death-ray ejects from Franketsein’s car, aiming towards Vamp-tire. SFX: BRRRRR

Panel 16: Vamp-tire gets electrocuted, turning white. SFX: BZZZZ

Panel 17: A close-up shot of Revfield, his mouth is open-wide as he gets electrocuted. He yells, “my battery!”

Panel 18: Frankenstein’s Monster truck speeds off, we see Vamp-tire far behind in the panel.

Panel 19: Tubes of blood connect Revfield to Vamp-tire, which gives his car stronger abilities. He yells, “I’ll have to go all out! Car! Drink my blood!”

Panel 20: We see a close up of the front of Vamp-tire. a tongue peeks out from his front bumper. SFX: YUM

Panel 21: A close up shot of the tube with blood trickling through. “Drink up!”

Panel 22: Victoria Frankenstein puts their head out the window, their fist shaking with rage. They yell, “I’ll get you one day, Revfield!”

Panel 23: Revfield has his window open, looking at the reflection of himself in his rear-view mirror. “No you won’t. No one ever will. I’m the fastest, after all.”

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