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Punk Academia

You could call them two sides of the same coin

By and Comics


Panel 1: A girl (Eloise) dressed in the “Dark Academia” style (with brown tones and a diamond-patterned sweater vest), studies in a library. She looks wistfully at the clock.

Panel 2: A girl (Jo) dressed in a punk-rock style (with an anarchy-style “Band” t-shirt and black jacket) catches a frog at the edge of a pond.

Panel 3: Eloise excitedly runs out of an old University building, holding on to her satchel bag.

Panel 4: Jo skates on a skateboard through her college campus.

Panel 5: Eloise twirls the cord of an 80s-style red telephone on her finger. She is in a hallway with a window that shows the gothic architecture outside. The base of the telephone is in between the two panels.

Panel 6: Jo sits in on her bed in her dorm. There are posters of a movie, accordion, and the same Band she had a t-shirt of. She holds a frog stuffed animal while calling Eloise on a red telephone.

Panel 7: A montage sequence shows a date between Eloise and Jo. They put flower crowns on each other’s heads, drink a milkshake together, and skate. Jo on a skateboard holds up her hands to reassure the flailing Eloise on skates. Eloise and Jo hold hands on the lakeshore at sunset.

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