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Processing Loss

Why does letting go have to be so hard?

By Comics


Panel One: Panel one depicts a sky at dark night-time with white clouds and stars. The top portion of the panel reads “Sometimes I look up at the stars and wonder…” starts revealing the narrator’s thoughts about letting go. The unfinished sentence continues on panel two.

Panel Two: The panel depicts a figure holding a red helium balloon flying up into the sky. The text, “… Why does letting go have to be this hard” is situated on the lower right. Floating in air depicts how mentally lost the person currently feels, elevated from and lost ties with the ground.

Panel Three: Panel three depicts a window of a house with the narrator and their cat looking outside. Their silhouettes are used. Bright light comes out. The narrator talks to the cat named Cammron, “Cammron, do you think I will always be so emotional? Processing grief is just so hard.” The cat responds with “Meow Meow.

Panel Four: Panel four continues with the narrator talking to themselves: “Are you still here, I’m just so tired of not being able to see you.” The background depicts dark blue clouds and the figure is drawn as a silhouette. The caption box below the panel reads “Knowing the person is living calms me,” the sentence continues on the next panel.

Panel Five: The panel shows a perspective plan drawing of the narrator’s room, emphasizing the emptiness and loneliness present without the person they are searching for. The caption box reads “but at the end of the day, they are not here and this kills me.”

Panel Six: Panel six pictures an empty hallway with two apartment doors and a common space at the end of the corridor. The walls and ceiling are painted in black and dark blue. The caption box reads “The hallways are so empty without you.”

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