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Sometimes a bad pain day is a reason to dress fabulous.

By Comics, Featured Comics

Panel one is labeled “What I Wear On Good Pain Days.” Beneath the title is a drawing of a college art student with orange hair wearing a face mask, leggings, and a t-shirt with the word “NOCCA” on it. There are arrows pointing to different parts of their outfit. The arrows read: “Barely brushed hair,” “no make-up,” “T-shirt from high school,” “Star of David necklace,” “layered striped shirt,” “smoothie stain,” “worn out leggings,” “big ol’ rip,” “comfy sneakers,” and “socks that don’t match.”

Panel two is labeled, “What I Wear On Bad Pain Days.” The same college student with orange hair is in panel two. Their hair is in pigtails, there is a tote bag on their arm, and they have the same face mask on. This time they are more dressed up. The arrows here read “hair actually done,” “make-up and colorful eyebrows,” “bag full of meds,” “beaded choker and Star of David necklace,” “visible tattoo,” “cute top,” “short skirt,” “matching socks,” and “sexy boots.”

Sidne K. Gard (BFAW 2025) hopes to one day understand how to make their own monsters. They are the Managing editor of F Newsmagazine. See more of their work at
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