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The Sky Talks: 2022 Brings Optimism and Expansion

Diana Motta reveals the energy that the universe has in store for all the signs in 2022.

By Entertainment, Featured

Illustration by Jade Sheng.

The year 2022 is denoted by the strong influence of the planet Jupiter, the benefactor, as it entered the sign of Pisces. This is one of the best positions that Jupiter can enter, after Sagittarius. 2022 does not carry any important aspects, astrologically speaking, compared to the year 2021, with the square between Uranus and Saturn.

However, the entry of the planet Jupiter into the sign of Pisces in itself already holds a lot of strength, because Jupiter rules this sign. In addition, the second ruler of Pisces, the planet Neptune, is also in Pisces, and they will get closer in the first months of the year. This means that the energy of Pisces will set the tone for the year. Everything Jupiter touches expands and increases. The fact that Jupiter is well positioned in 2022 will increase its benefits, which are already great, by the way. Jupiter is linked to abundance, success, greatness and optimism.

The influence of Jupiter in Pisces is really great, without borders. We will have divine help to fulfill dreams and make things happen. Pisces is about being able to receive the messages we seek, having clarity and connecting with intuition.  We will achieve a deep spiritual awakening;, contact with our subconscious. Jupiter in Pisces brings us hope, and allows us to connect with a world of fantasy and dreams, so the world of the arts opens up before us. Cinema, theater, visual arts, the world of imagination; something fantastical. No external artifices are needed to connect with this higher reality. With the influence of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces we can get there naturally, through the elevation of our own reality.

Pisces is connected with a karmic zone — secrets, depth, mysteries, that which is beyond logic. What is special about Pisces energy is the ability to identify with what others feel, including the ability not to judge, but to understand one’s pain. The water element present in this configuration brings a connection with unconditional love. So let’s have more compassion and empathy this year. The specific power of Pisces lies in the emotional zone, however, so beware of drama.

The cosmos will bring love and mercy by connecting us with the personal and global subconscious. On the one hand it can be extremely rewarding, but it can be extremely dangerous to get lost. We should not forget that we live in a physical, tangible reality, by getting too caught up in our desires to live divinely. We cannot live in an illusion. If someone is not good for us, we cannot say they are good for us because of unconditional love. We need to be able to see what’s bad; we need to see what’s working for us and what isn’t.

Each person will be specifically affected by Jupiter in Pisces, depending on their natal chart. For a detailed analysis of how 2022 will influence you, I suggest a reading of the full Kabbalistic Birth Chart. In general, I have made a forecast for 2022 for each rising sign:

Aries: Jupiter blesses hidden talents and deep healing. A great year for spirituality; your intuition soars.

Taurus: Jupiter blesses your influence with far reaching, networking, meeting new people. Social circles expand.

Gemini: Jupiter blesses your career, a time of great growth for your reputation.

Cancer: Jupiter blesses international travel, wisdom, knowledge and ethics.

Leo: Jupiter blesses your shared possessions. Your intimate relationships will be amazing. Third party aids will be beneficial.

Virgo: Jupiter blesses your relationships, marriage and business partners. You can meet and/or establish very significant and prosperous business partnerships that should bear fruit and impact in the long term.

Libra: Jupiter blesses your health. It’s a year to do a general check up and get your body in shape, organize your day to day and create a healthier and more useful routine.

Scorpio: Jupiter blesses your romantic life. It’s time to have fun, flirt, and be creative. For those who want to have children, it is a prolific and happy year.

Sagittarius: Jupiter blesses your home, your family and your roots. It’s an amazing year for you to renovate your home or find your dream home.

Capricorn: Jupiter blesses your communication. It’s a great year for learning, taking courses and social activities.

Aquarius: Jupiter blesses your financial area. A great year for your self esteem and for increasing your self worth.

Pisces: Jupiter blesses your identity, your appearance. It is an excellent year for new beginnings and for taking a new and better attitude towards life.

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