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BFA Show Opens in Less Than 2 Weeks

SAIC graduating undergrads will exhibit their final projects in the Sullivan Galleries, beginning March 18th.

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Exhibition spaces have been claimed, installation has begun, and the Spring Undergraduate Exhibition at SAIC is officially underway. Over 200 graduating seniors will be exhibiting their thesis projects—paintings, drawings, prints, videos, sculptures, performances, and anything else you can imagine—and have armed themselves with power tools to install their works in the Sullivan Galleries this week. The exhibition opening will take place on Friday, March 18th, from 7—9 pm at the Sullivan Galleries on the 7th floor of 33 S. State Street. The general public is invited to the reception, which is always one of the most anticipated events of the year at SAIC. Food, drinks, art, and conversation will be abundant from wall to wall. Can’t make it o the opening? The exhibition will be up until April 6th, and F News will be updating the website with photos, videos, and reviews of the opening night. To watch F’s coverage of last year’s spring Undergraduate Exhibition, view this video
Jennifer Swann

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