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Present Yourself at SUGS

Give a hyperspeed, mini presentation of your work, studies, background, current obsessions to your peers at SUGS this Friday.

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Andrea Fraser Presents Herself. Don't worry, though, you don't have to wear a blazer if you don't want to.

Andrea Fraser Presents Herself. Don't worry, though, you don't have to wear a blazer if you don't want to.

This Friday, September 24, Student Union Galleries is launching a new event series in the latest attempt to bridge seemingly unnavigable chasm that exists between M.A. and M.F.A., M.F.A. and B.F.A., and, well…just about every department. Beginning at 4:00 pm in LG Space, “Present Yourself” is a chance to show up with your jump drive, and give a hyperspeed, mini presentation of your work, studies, background, current obsessions…whatever, as long as it’s of interest and formatted for the attention span of a gnat. The goal is that these brief glimpses into the brains of others will lead to questions, discussions, and hopefully fruitful, award-winning collaborations. And at the very least, the opportunity to go out for a drink afterwards. Yay!

–Ania Szremski

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