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Las Vegas is preparing to erect two giant paintbrushes that shoot laser beams up into the sky at the entrance of its arts district …

By Arts & Culture, Uncategorized

Illustration by Luke Armistead

Illustration by Luke Armistead

Las Vegas is preparing to erect two giant paintbrushes that shoot laser beams up into the sky at the entrance of its arts district … Dennis Oppenheim, the artist behind Canada’s controversial “Device to Root out Evil,” an upside down church balanced on its steeple, seems to have lost his edge … In Vancouver, brothers Zhen and Qiang Gao, have erected “Miss Mao Trying to Poise Herself at the Top of Lenin’s Head,” a giant stainless steel head of Vladimir Lenin and a tiny prissy Chairman Mao Zedong as part of the Vancouver Sculpture Biennale, sparking much debate … Apache, the rapper behind what may have been the most controversial rap album of the 90s, “Gangsta Bitch,” died Friday, January 22. He was a member of Queen Latifah’s Flavor Unit Crew … “La Belle Ferronniere,” a fake daVinci is going up for auction this week. In 1929 the painting provoked a fierce debate—real or not real?—which nearly brought a foremost expert to his knees, which shows just how fragile and fussy the art world is. If the painting were a daVinci, it might fetch over 250 million dollars, but as it stands, the current price can only buy a month’s worth of slurpees for an NBA team …

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