Find out if you’ve got the chops to bring the art world to its knees, or if you’ll fade into the mists of memory like the rest of us!
Quiz: Will you make it as an artist?
Fnewsmag’s first quiz: Will you make it as an artist?
Fnewsmag’s first quiz: Will you make it as an artist?
Find out if you’ve got the chops to bring the art world to its knees, or if you’ll fade into the mists of memory like the rest of us!
Alas, I have failed! How cruel is fortuna, to toss me out to sea, only to wash me up on the shores of misery. A bartender at the corner drive, alone and hopeless for the rest of my days…
wow,that sucks.people do say i draw good but i failed?like i’m gonna stop my dream of becoming an artist and like this site can predict my future?what a load of crap!don’t give up yet,these ppl don’t know what they are saying…..
don’t believe these people!!!!!!!! they’re wrong…. my art teacher says i’m great at art and i will make it as an artist!!!! just believe in YOURSELF!!!!! you don’t need anyone else! just yourself, a canvas, and your art utensils… so go on! u can do it! AND SO CAN I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the guy who created this quiz the frustrated bartender at the corner drive.
I thought this was funny! This isn’t about how artistic you are! In fact I think there’s some truth in it as the true artistic personality is far from ambitious success seeking! Thanks for the laugh!
Ahem. I, apparently, suck at art. Well, for your information, I have only just started, so Ive been drawing for around 4 months, and me and my family are already seeing improvements. It just takes time to improve. And how good will I be in six years? I will have improved vastly, due to me drawing for hours every day. Don’t give up my friends. There will be ups and downs. You may loose faith in yourself, but don’t worry. It just takes time. And effort. Lots and lots of effort.