Manipulating a Republic - F Newsmagazine

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Manipulating a Republic

A how-to guide on swinging democratic elections in your favor through the disenfranchisement of minority voters by Aaron Hoffman See this article in its original layout. Have you ever felt that the views of the upper-class majority are the only legitimate views? Do you ever find yourself wishing you could just force everyone to agree …

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A how-to guide on swinging democratic elections in your favor through the disenfranchisement of minority voters

Have you ever felt that the views of the upper-class majority are the only legitimate views? Do you ever find yourself wishing you could just force everyone to agree with you? Have you ever felt that you would do absolutely anything in order to have your chosen presidential candidate in office?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you’re ready to do your small part in rigging the electoral process. Everyone knows that all lower-income or minority groups  are riddled with Democratic voters. Therefore, it is precisely these groups whose votes must be kept to a minimum.

This pamphlet will instruct you on how to keep these groups from fully exercising their political muscle. Read on to see how everyday heroes like you can hinder the Constitutional rights of others and simultaneously mould the fate of your country to better suit your political views.

All of the techniques taught in this pamphlet are all proven effective through “tests” conducted during the Presidential Elections of 2000 and 2004. With your help, they can continue to work in future elections. See you in November!

How To Disenfranchise Any Minority

How To Disenfranchise Racial Minorities

How To Disenfranchise Disabled Voters

Other Ways To Help

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