Photos (left to right) courtesy of Michelle Kendrick, Karen Archey and Stan Chisholm
SAIC Students Tell Us What They’ve Been Working On This Spring
Michelle Kendrick
Graduate Student, Art Therapy
“I’ve been working on a series of jewelry and hanndbags for the past year. I take old rings and embroider them to make new, more contemporary pieces. I also make brooches, necklaces, and handbags by utilizing embroidery techniques and beadwork.”
Chai-Lai Cherry Yuen
“My fashion design senior collection is inspired by the sculpture artist Henry Moore. I am most interested in the imperfections that leave traces of evidence of the artist created by his direct carving method. I translate this tactile relationship into my pieces, by draping fabric with boning pre-sewn directly into it. I create positive and negative spaces between the object, body and atmosphere. The boning affects the overall form of the garment naturally when I gather the fabric, creating dramatic areas of light and shadow exaggerating the garment’s shape.”
Kazuki Guzman
First-year undergraduate
“I made a ‘House’ this year inside my dorm room for my loft bed. This was the installation piece done during the class ‘Core 3D,’ with Rebecca Walz. I also made curtains for the windows, and a lock and chain for the door. It was definitely worth doing the project even though I knew that resident advisers were going to come in one day and make me take it down. Every project needs a plan, so I made a model out of Lego software. I crafted the door and windows out of wood, painted with house paint. I added a (toy) security camera, just in case. Oh and the title? Privacy.”
Cassandra Jackson and Benjamin Carney
Art and Technology
“We are working on tetra.path, an 8-channel real-time interactive audio installation that explores concepts such as perceptions of time, multiple dimensions, and the dissection of sound. By dynamically investigating ‘hearing’ at an extreme level of detail, we hope to bring awareness to the user through interactivity. The user becomes a human body audio-scrubber and will have the power to control what they hear by exploring the relationship that the body has with the sound in the space.”
Karen Archey
Undergraduate, Visual and Critical Studies
“I have spent the past year developing my ‘museum fictions’ project, which has evolved into my written thesis and exhibition project shown at the spring 2008 undergraduate exhibition.
My written thesis examines the incongruent histories of the art museum, artistic production, and public reception, and demarcates a problematic that has been met by producers claiming a critical relationship to the medium of the exhibition. My exhibition project, entitled Section des Miroirs, is comprised of loaned work from international galleries and museums. Similar to my source producers Marcel Broodthaers and Roger Buergel of documenta 12, I sought to re-imagine the confines of the contemporary art exhibition through engaging curation as a critical process.”
Bryan Bankovich
Film, Video and New Media
“I started a student group called Noontime Melodies. This group will produce a monthly concert series bringing touring, local and SAIC bands together during the lunchtime hour to perform for the SAIC community. Our first event was on April 22, featuring the Atlanta-based band Gringo Star. I decided to create Noontime Melodies not only because of my interest in live concerts, but also I felt that SAIC lacks an incredible amount of community, which is very evident considering student government is now an association.”
Stan Chisholm
“I’ve been working on a series of genre-clashing painting/relieve drawing/pseudo three-dimensional pieces of my signature Mascot Heads. These are set to be installed and shown along with paintings, paper plate and text banners this June at Drive Agency in St. Louis, MO.”