Thanks to the superpunch2 tumblr for providing us with all the handy demon summoning symbols that you’re likely to use on a daily basis (you’re welcome, goth kids).

Handy symbols for your use.
Thanks to the superpunch2 tumblr for providing us with all the handy demon summoning symbols that you’re likely to use on a daily basis (you’re welcome, goth kids).
I’d really like to summon one of the demons
it would be so cool cuz like summoning a demon to protect you
im doing this to make one of my enimies perish
tommorow will be the downfall of man kind
🙂 thanks for the idea- theres a homophobe at my school who id just love to die ^°^
No u homosexuals r peasants. You r not even worthy to be scum on our boots.
Alr,, Your my friend now. Homaphobic people can rot in hell with Satan<3
And YOU lady that is being an idiot! Under Satan's orders we do NOT accept that.
well, I see you really have thought this all out? haven’t you? well good luck with your plane! I am sure it will be a success.
Same btw did u try it
Also did it work for u? Please let me know
I would love to join so I can get rid of this homophobe in my class
Or one to do your homework🤣
Or to “hurt” someone🙂
I am a cristian and I need a way to summon angels because my life is hard.
same but you don’t see me summoning angels, i have three hell hounds
Read the kjv bible and pray
These are demons. Not angels. Please do not treat them as such. Not safe.
Yes, I do see the fun in both! why not try them both? or maybe more ideas eh? I am sure you will see the fun it it at some point! give it a try and see for your self.
That’s nothing to play with. Demons are corrupted by hell. I doubt a demon would protect without your soul.
Tyouogf gdhjn 0.
I agree
Ah yes. Me too.
best words ever
What would you like to gain from summoning a demon?
Money is nothing but Jesus love is lots of thing that u can not pay at all
Jesus’s love doesn’t pay the rent.
Or save your wife from dying of cancer even though you believed he would with all your heart and soul. All the way until the bitter end! While all those around you tried to tell you she was going to die and you kept saying Jesus was going to give us a miracle. Faith of a child yet still orphaned by the Easter Bunny. I hate those who try to shove that imposter god down my throat. I would ask the demons to have Christians put to the test by seeing how truly strong their faith is! Ber this putz would fold fast. Bien, your comment is exactly why people hate x-tians!
shut your lame ass the fuck up stupid💋
Doubt Jesus loves you. Angels have no time for us humans.
Exactly priceless and people whi think God does 9nky what they want ir doesnt exist are extremely ignorant and uneducated and spiritually void things also happen in Gods time and for Gods reasons better judgement . Dont a ybody let these heathens sway you . They speak total rubbish .
Because they are wrong dont you be! And God has many mansions for us
never mind rent on thus sick earth.
That’s so funny you want to really know what you gang you just gang all f****** getting away with everything on Earth but then when you die you go to hell and your soul become in the bits of Fire the rest of your time and while you’re down there he’ll probably rape you or do what the f*** ever he likes to do but you only get Paradise
On Earth and get away with things that are bad and get away with everything on Earth until you die that’s all you gain then after that you go to hell and
Spend your whole eternity in Paradise and Fire so I don’t see how that sounds good to anybody wanting to be a f****** little b**** to Lucifer
Angles do not have time for us all. It is merely because us humans are such Idiots and act like children when we all have responsibilities that are far more important then some childish temper tantrum. If I were and angel I’d pity you humans you guys are all stupid and fight for no reason at all, I feel bad that you were a creation on this cursed world!
I want wings. Like, real wings that give me the ability to fly. Very simple yet not.
A demon
Protection from demons or things who want to harm me. I already have one attached to me but I don’t think he is to protect me
How you have?
Costco. I get mine from there.
I accidentally brought one in to my house during meditation. I kept smelling feces randomly. You are all fools. I hope you have the right knowledge to protect/get rid of it.
How did that happen through meditation I thought that was supposed to be good ?!!
I have met several. They all want the same thing. Never trust any being tricked is their claim to fame
hie lets look for help together
i have demon in my house it tried to kill me
Seduce who I wanna have rn
Not in a bad way, but I want them to be with me, they are going through a bad time and I want them to get better too
Nice thinking. But I feel that it’s a little too small. I’m thinking bigger such as becoming a demon yourself. Think about it Power and Immortality. Now that’s speaking my language.
Not possible. Deacons we’re never human at all.
Deamons, I mean.
A Friend
sexual incounters
i want to make my cousins life miserable
I want a fat ass
Me too…
Matt you’ll be a bird in the next life. Be patient and enjoy the body your in.
Me to , so they can make janwaytommy20 at gmail become a short white wide fatgirl like he always been wanting to be
I will not reply to everyone’s post just to this one but I think you all will get the message you’re a bunch of ignorant fucking people talking nothing but bullshit
You shut the actual fuck up why are you here if you’re going to just make fun of we want and believe in. We all want a demon to give us what we never got or to help others or us at the cause of our life so be quiet
I need help I need a demon I want to feel the pain of getting my soul eaten out of me but I also just want everyone who hurt me to die
If you really want to communicate with one email me.
hey what is ur email
What material(s) do I need to effectively summon Hagith, demon of jealousy?
Your blood she must be jealouse of your blood. Some dirt. White chalk so then you can draw her symbol and just in case something goes wrong salt water in a squirt bottle
how do I summon lucifer or wats a really fast way to sell my soul
how do i summon abyss, apadiel, ariel, blisdon, barchiel, chenor, and lucifer
Baphomet? Maybe
I didn’t read that one yet but i would love to do that- GREAT IDEA
Just simply ask the devil out loud for an exchange he will hear you.
hey did u find a way?
you can also ask lucifer for a hell hound
The main thing in doing this is you HAVE to believe with your heart and soul. This may be hard but it’s the only way. You have to know for a 100% fact with all that is in you that this is what you want. Total connection.
Hey Joe, I see you know about these demons, do you know anyway for me to find out more about Hismael, I summoned him and I serve him like a Deity but yet he ignores me most of the time and is only there when he wants something from me.
Just from what I read of his name “The Acquierer” I would say hes doing what hes known to do. Show up for his own needs lol
How would I summon one? please let me know.
So say I want to summon Astaroth, what kind of summoning circle would I use
Hi everyone 👋 I’m trying to get my apartment haunted, what’s your best trick for that? I have:
Pendules (2), ouija board, crystals. Do you have anything to recommend me??
Ouija boards or spirit boards are good, leave without saying good by, demon summoning without asking them to leave, play with ravens, talk to really old dying trees and draw with blood/ use dried blood. U can also use pendulums and invite someone to talk, then never say goodbye. Basicly, using any magick media without saying goodbye. Best time is gonna be midsummer
There real and they arent your friends dont do it. I can tell most of you never really had one attack you. And if you new you wouldnt. I need to figure out which demons attacking me… Appeared as a woman who tried to seduce me then turned into a man with striped face and long curve horns. Who tried to lure me outside with the sensation of a blow job.
i think that might be ambriel because hes known as the changer
Sounds like a SUCCUBUS. Kinda like amber heard
So true. She gave her soul a long time ago. Probably before she was in that show where she was the devils wife!! Lol.
Sounds like a common seducterer demon. They will find you if you dont believe in GOD and if you have moments of weakness. Based on what you have said they are using your weakness of lust and fantasy ad a way in. Try to evade those thoughts from your mind. And tell the harlot to get the fuck away from you cuz you have no use of its medial tasks. Maybe smudge your living space.
That could be Lilith. She was Adam’s first wife in the garden of Eden but she was a succubus & she was known for seducing men & she was supposedly the daughter of Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft her parents were Titans. Lilith is very hard to rid yourself of.
Black mirrors.
Demonic sigils.
Actually burning quija after using it in a cemetery.
Going to lots of cemeteries and being obnoxious also already haunted places too.
Blood. The spiritual realm craves blood.
Good luck.🍀
What demon would i need to summon to try fighting off another demon and to keep around what demon would u recommend?
If you need help fighting demons, what I recommend is a psychiatrist
You have to connect to God, creator of the universe and then command the demon to go away. Its that simple. Thats how the solomonic magicians do it. You can connect with God through prayer, contemplation and purification. If you dont know how to pray you can read bible verses. You can also try kabbalistic meditations if that is more your thing or any other form of meditation or ritual that connects you with a higher divine, giving you the authority to command demons.
Also you do not want to have a demon hanging around. Their energies can be chaotic and possibly destructive. You can ask a specific demon for protection, but when the task is performed, you send the demon on its way.
Speaking from someone who summoned a demon wrong g and never knew how to get rid of it, yeah, these guys are very chaotic and can flip your life around, it’s been 5 years with my demon and we have finally got the vibes right so things are not nearly as chaotic as they used to be, however it took 4 years of constant work and communication, dont let a demon hang around to long and always invite it in AND invite it OUT. Treat them with respect as well, if they have a name use it, if it’s just a lesser demon, dont worry as much and if your talking to a goetia demon or a higher rank remeber they are prideful and easily offended. Dont offend them. It just causes issues.
How do me and my friend summon Stygal!?
Are you a witch or do you have any psychic abilities or a spirit guide for that matter. If you don’t do not summon him. He will find it greatly disrespectful. He is great for getting revenge if your a witch that has been scorned my by ex lover.
I want to summon Lucifer. I have never summoned any demons before. Can you tell me everything you know about summoning demons? Any help will be appreciated.
What did you do? When I was younger I thought it would be funny to try and summon a demon.. my life is upside down and I want to kill myself. I can no longer look into mirrors without being tormented of seeing something horrible staring back at me, I never get any sleep, my family has abandoned me because stuff they can’t see or explain happens when I’m around, my 5 yr old niece once screamed a frightening screech because she saw a being with 3 heads on my shoulders pointing at her and laughing so my family is afraid of being around me… every night they pound on my bedroom door or windows with voices of my loved ones telling me to open the door and walk away giggling. I ruined my life because I didn’t believe in it and I don’t know a way out. My therapist actually asked me to seek help from another doctor. I know it’s because her animals would freak TF out when she would see me. I got the feeling she believed me but couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud. I have been isolated and shunned from everything I use to love and enjoy. Please somebody help me
All you have to do is stop being scared . Once you’ve managed and transmuted your fear into love and confidence all that stuff will be gone .
Don’t worry , you can do it . And then you’ll be able to conquer anything .
The more fear the worse it becomes , face it head on and the fear will go away and so will this issue . 100 % absolute
That’s it .
You can do it easily . Believe in yourself , you’re a bad ass and will be the ultimate bad ass after this is over . There’s really nothing to be afraid of . Well . except for fear that is!
Also , you must have some type of spiritual gifts if they are coming at you like you described.
New levels new devils
All the more reason I know you can leave your fear behind you and never look back . It will be amazing and you will be in your power and a new lease on life . Ok Michael?
I’ve never had any kind mental health issues. It’s been a 6 long lonely years now. I have visited people who claim that they can help me and I tried the respect thing and it only seemed to make worse. I am in constant fear and it is DRAINING me and the only resolution I have is to take my life. I hear it laughing at me as I text this. Saying “they won’t help you they can’t help you” I invited a few people who claimed to be sorcerers and they stormed out of my house. Idk what to do. I was a stupid kid thinking it was just a joke. I was wrong I was so wrong
Hey Michael,
If you’re still alive, try reading “He Came to Set the Captives Free” by Dr. Rebecca Brown. The audio book is free on YT. It goes into specifics. If you need further assistance with deliverance, please provide an email address. My husband and I have a friend who works in that field. I pray that any demons that would affect your mind, will and emotions to be bound, in Jesus’ name. That should hold them off until you can get them kicked out. God bless you!
Don’t put up with the devil. You are made in the image of God, and Satan hates that. He is a created being, and subject to the Lord Jesus Christ and the rules explained in God’s word. You didn’t believe in demons before, but now you do I’m sure. Believe me when I say that Lucifer is tiny compared to the awesome power of Jesus. God loves you so much that he gave his son to die for you. He died on the cross and then rose again on the third day. He has given you everything you need to kick Satan to the curb. It won’t come cheap though. Jesus died for you so you could live for him. That’s the deal. If you’re not willing to take this deal, the best you can hope to do is swap demons. Jesus Christ is the one who gives his followers the authority to trample serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.” There is no other name by which you can be saved. That goes for everybody else reading this too. I pray that you will find the peace you are looking for.
Wiener Wiener wiener
Congrats u summoned me
I need to summon Anael but I don’t have any money to buy a candle or anything
You can use intent, you dont really need candles, but dont use blood, blood magick is permanent and cannot be undo
how do i summon anael. can you give me a step by step on summoning anael.
I work with stygal alot and I really want to clarify, he is the deamon of death, assasins and knowledge. I also cant find a lot about him anywhere. He often talks about his lack of communication with people and kinda looks like a centipede. Cool guy, helped me at a bad time, I summoned him wrong tho so I cant get rid of him/he wont leave. Wouldn’t recomend working with him unless you’re experienced n demonology and have worked with other demons befor, or unless your experienced enough in witchcraft (or similar crafts) that you are naturally communicating with spirits and deities of any sort.
How do me and my friend summon him >=0!?
So u have THE Stygal in your house and or following you?
How do I summon Stygal, cuz I have no idea how and I need him rn.
how do i summon Elim
Where are these from? What denomination? Where can I read more information on these demons? Thanks
Hey, how can i easily summon one of these demons? And which do you recommend?
Omg I really hope you all are not serious as this is the year for common sense to come back. Apparently you all missed the memo. You have no idea what you’re messing with. I’ve seen the possession and destruction first hand . If you believe in Gods you have to know there’s demons. Where there’s good there’s evil. You could be inviting something in that’ll destroy your family they won’t mess with you at first they’re get you where it really hurts your kids , loved ones . The
T can cause
Accidents even death. So while you idiots are yucking it up by your words you’ve already peaked their interest. They don’t appreciate being laughed at . All I can say is you all need God in your life’s especially if you summon a demon. As I said they’ll torment you even kill you all they want is your soul. I’ll pray for you all to get some intelligence and common sense.
Demons don’t bargain for souls it’s much more complicated then that. Often god just offends them even more. If your gonna play with these energies the most important thing is to not fear them as your fear grows when they come they grow stronger until you can’t get rid of them there energies are negative that negative feeds off your negative fear. Best thing I found was to summon them alone in the dark to get used to what happens do this without actually summon till comfy
This shit is weird. People like summoning a demon for many things, But then a demon turns on them -_- That’s mostly what demons are known for. I think its a bad idea, But, I am going to try it out and see what happens.
Did You do it? What happend?
You funny I bet u didn’t lol
What demon can I summon to help me find another demon? My last demonic entity refused to tell me their name, but I remember their personality and looks so vividly.
what do I need to summon an incubus ????
Before you dopes waste your time, or worse and dont summon a demon but a spirit that intends on doing you harm (real demons do not intend this unless shown disrespect) may I suggest at least reading a little bit on demonolatry. NOT demonology. The are two different things. We don’t need a bunch of malevolent spirits running around because some kid tries to summon a great lord and screws the pooch.
Can you acculy summon one?
Hey kate do you have Instagram so that we could talk about these stuff if you don’t mind
Hey shanly i have instagram 669leonard_o669 follow me and lets talk i really want to summon one !!
Can you help me with this demon summoning stuff to?- my insta is absentia.hendrix
Me too shanly please!!
My instagram is briann_629
Thank you so much
How do I summon chandor I don’t have money to buy materials
Tonight I will be using my own blood and a homemade ouija board, I also will be using the 4 sigils needed to summon a demon. On all of the objects including the planchette, I’ve smeared my blood, including each sigil, I also drew the sigil that’s needed to summon unholy power with my own blood on the top of the board. I’m going to be giving full permission for anything to enter my house or use me as a vessel, and I’d even sell my soul in order to figure this out. I’m a believer and a non believer at the same time and I need answers that I know aren’t fabricated.
Hey call me on 07821602177 I need to talk to you u seem to know all the information and I need wisdom pls my friend xo
How do I summon a common demon? What do I need and in what way do I need to do the sings??
ya’ll crazy
If you look up the book of Solomon it tells you how too summon Lucifer the right way I would recommend reading the book to see if your even powerful enough to be able too do this
If I ever see any of you summoning Demons with this shit I will personally hunt you down myself an then I’ll make you be proud to be human, an stop inviting Demons on our plain of existence
Agreed I’m with you , what’s up with all this demon crap humans can’t be this dumb
Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
That’s what makes us so awesome, and why so many of us die each day
What would be their incantations? You can’t summon anything without some sort of phrase or a special code. Hell, for demons as strong as these (assuming so, since they are recognized), you might need a full Latin paragraph.
no just summon them in the most secret name of the most high and give your own blood to bind yourself to the workings, baphomet 5 black candles and ur good to go. look for demons of the goetia instead;of this bullshit and stay away from solomons fuckery it will only invite disaster look how he wound up
Does someone want to summon a demon just to kill people they hate?
Yeah most definitely
Are there any demons you can summon without any materials
I have tried most of these and they won’t work when I do them or do I have to do it on the ground with salt?
I want to summon Stygal but I don’t know how to summon him, any tips?
What will I be in my next life? Past lives? I’d like to know more.
[email protected] plz
Write me back..someone help me.. wats the demon or spirit of addiction.. or pornography? My friend is hearing voices and witnessing some very real shit. Seeing his kids dead in random places being threatened, etc .. he needs help..not a mental health crisis this is very real. I need to know how to cast out this evil. Plz help me
you need a shrink too much hate for youself and resentful of the world. when you change the world around you changes.
yea fake seals except a few ariels an angel pathetic ppl believe this shit. shem sha sevita et elio sutna
Today’s my son’s birthday and I want to be with him. I want to be with my wife too, but I don’t have money to support them; to support us. I told them I would be there and kept giving them reasons to buy time for me to figure out how to be with them and to be able to support them and give them what they deserve. I am running out of time and I need a miracle. I need it now or else I might just lose them all together. Please help.
I want the ability to affect the temperature around me and make those who abused me suffer. By the way the ones who abused me were always talking about God this Jesus that respect thy mother and father. Respect them while they beat me fuck no I hope they die for their actions.
I need to summon demons on my brother s Damon Daniels and on my sister Lavita Daniels and most of my family are very disrespectful and really want to put it curse demons on them all and also on anyone who disrespect to me also I want to a curse on Jennings.Florida and Jasper,Florida and so very demons haters around like my cock watching dope head family they take from me and they are getting on my last nerve especially Damon
Can someone tell me how I can summon a demon for revenge
You all should know that God does not actually care about mortals like you and I. And Lucifer was actually banished by God for refusing to leave us to die. It is the truth that some demons evil. But some are also good. The ones that I have met are technically aligned to chaotic good. I have met Lucifer as well. All the demons who visited me were not summoned, and came of their own free will. They are curious about us mortals, in the same way we mortals are curious about the cosmos. They sometimes take in a human at the end of the lifespan, if they like that human. It is better to not forcefully summon them, but to respectfully inquire if they would be willing to help you. Most demons also like sweets, such as candy, or starlight mints. One even came when I offered a huge decedent cake, with 5 layers of different cake types. I also had ice cream ready too. All the ones that come to me seem to love having ice cream.
To all the Jesus lovers here, this is not for you. Leave us alone.
Can anyone recommend me some demons that help help with possession
I want a demon to talk to and help me out with my problems. Like sucks that I’m made to go to church and everything. I want to be able to live my life without nonsense. i feel like demons will only understand.
Taking a deal w/da contacted during war times of coming back safe, but then da whole platoon gets ravaged & become p.o.dubs, not knowing at the same time ur home is being bombed out and wipes family off da face of the planet. Eventually war ends prisoners released but da contacted kept its promise being delivered back to home safe, but the exchange for the agreement was not to be known until the day of reckoning came around. Now time to work off da promise made w/contacted regardless whether u want to or not more then a pound of your flesh and liters of blood is the cost only when paid in full maybe would be able to get back good in Gods favors but 1 was never to seek fruit fr da serpent to begin w/ Good luck on ur ventures to contact these serpents of Eden.
These symbols are useless, and even ‘authentic’ sigils would be ineffective if an amateur attempted an evocation, invocation, or any other kind of ritual. After all, it’s all about metaphysics.
All that happens starts in your head—magic is all in your head—and this energy, fuelled by one’s intention, translates from one’s microcosm into one’s macrocosm.
[…] healing and relationship growth often come from within, and focusing on healthy communication and emotional development can be a far more fulfilling and sustainable way to improve your […]
I have already summoned Lucifer, bael asmedoes, paimon, foclar, and pazuzu but I’m only twelve years