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El Machete Illustrated – Doing Things Different

October 18, 2021

A new El Machete Illustrated by Eric J Garcia.

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Bad Parable – Inside

October 7, 2021

Fears about the coronavirus soar high in this installment of Bad Parable by...

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Hali’s Art Store Woes

October 6, 2021

In Hali's Art Store Woes, Hali Kleinfeld shares their experience working at an...

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INCONSISTENT – Limited Moblity

October 5, 2021

Limited Mobility - a new INCONSISTENT strip from Wayne Degen.

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El Machete – Not Up Here

October 4, 2021

El Machete Illustrated by Eric J Garcia.

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To: Future Friend

September 28, 2021

"To: Future Friend" is a comic, or perhaps a letter, from: Michaela Chan.

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A Very Important List

September 27, 2021

Lenny Alves brings us a sweet comic inspired by a quote from Frog and Toad.

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Bad Parable – Outside

September 19, 2021

A new Bad Parable by Teddie Bernard.

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Much Better

September 18, 2021

A comic by Michael Orr.

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Old Friend

August 11, 2021

Lovely comic from new contributor, Sorin Sukumaran.

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Windy Shiddy: Cranium Confusion

March 11, 2020

Windy Shiddy by Reilly Branson

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Luteboy Can’t Fly

February 15, 2020

Luteboy by Madeleine Aguilar.

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