Panel 1: Text reads: “You” Image of singular pink silhouette
Panel 2: Text reads: “And everyone.” The image has zoomed out, showing the pink silhouette amongst many others, which are grayscale.
Panel 3: Text reads: “And everyone else.” The image once again zooms out, the figure getting progressively smaller amongst the others.
Panel 4: Text reads: “And everyone everyone else.” The image zooms out revealing more figures.
Panel 5: Text reads: “And” Again, the image zooms out.
Panel 6: The image zooms even further out. There are hundreds of figures – All small. The pink one is center.
Panel 7: The image continues zooming out. Everything becomes harder to see in a sea of people.
Panel 8: The image continues zooming out. They are all just tiny specks.
Panel 9: Text reads: “And you.” The pink figure is nearly unseeable and the sea of people are just little specks.