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City Releases Draft of Cultural Plan Ready to be Revised by Chicago Residents

Proposes initiatives for 200 long-term projects

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A draft of Chicago’s Cultural Plan was released yesterday by the city and is available for download. In his foreword, Mayor Rahm Emanuel states that the plan “will chart a road map for Chicago’s cultural and economic growth and become the centerpiece for building Chicago’s reputation as a global destination for creativity, innovation and excellence in the arts.”

The 200 proposed initiatives include long-term projects such as the development of a “Museum Campus South” by improving the infrastructure of the Museum of Science and Industry and the DuSable Museum, and the creation of Future Fest,” a major international digital arts festival.” But, according to the document, 60 percent of all the initiatives can be launched in up to 18 months.

The Cultural Plan will remain as a draft as a series of Town Hall meetings are scheduled to take place at the end of this month around the city. The feedback received at the meetings will be incorporated into the final version and will be released in the Fall, replacing Chicago’s 1986 cultural plan.

The next Cultural Town Hall will be held on July 24 at Malcolm X College. A complete schedule can be found here.

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