Dear Madam:
Since we are not understanding
each other I am assuming you are
a woman. This is based on
my history with women.
It is nothing personal, and if it is
read that way, or if you happen
to be a man, I am sorry.
I appreciate the ear muffs,
though the sentiment behind them
seems muddled. While
the ear muffs are very warm,
they don't do much in the way of
blocking out the sounds of rail-cars.
in its entirety. |
I have given them to my dog.
I think she likes them and
she looks very handsome in them.
But she still refuses to tell me
she loves me, and has taken to lying
on the sindowsill with
her head on her paws, watching
the trains go by.
I've never seen her so depressed.
At this time, therefore,
I must demand
the immediate cessation
of rail transit service