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Postmodern Condition
by Britany Salsbury
In between going to graduate school and working several jobs, I like to read celebrity gossip. When I say that I like to read it, what I really mean is that I can tell you which socialite is dating which male model at any given point in time, and that I received five different text messages from five different friends notifying me that Anna Nicole Smith had passed away within an hour of it happening. On a good day, I shrug my shoulders and tell myself that it’s all part of the postmodern condition. On a bad day, I just sit back and watch “The Year in Lindsay Lohan” on E! for the fifth time. Fortunately, I’m not alone; in a recent feature printed in The Guardian, writer Philip Oltermann revealed the guilty pleasures of a number of academic all-stars. These pleasures ranged from country music to television game shows to collecting celebrity autographs.
![]() You know the ones: Key Largo, Sierra Madre, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, I could go on. The ones filled with that edgy, sardonic, masculinity of the post-war America of my youth. The ones I saw in triple features at the Clark Theatre when I should have been in art history class. Existential is probably too elevated a word, but it’s close to the feeling I get from de Kooning’s paintings. The big difference being I can afford a movie on DVD, but not a de Kooning. I need to be alone, maybe a little high, so I can really wallow in self-love and delusion. They let me connect to a sense of self that sprouted with my first pubic hairs. ere are some lines by Raymond Chandler, describing Phillip Marlow, clipped from an obit for Bogart by Joe Goldberg, that say it clearly: “He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world. He talks as the man of his age talks, that is, with rude wit, a lively sense of the grotesque, a disgust for sham, and a contempt for pettiness. He has a range of awareness that startles you, but it belongs to him by right, because it belongs to the world he lives in. —George Liebert, Adjunct Associate Professor, Painting and Drawing; First Year Program; Printmedia
Well, I refuse to feel guilty about pleasure. I love keeping a rhythm of small pleasures through the day when possible. Sipping tea, reading newspapers, doing Pilates, eating chocolate, joking in the hallways. At night, reading mysteries. And flirting... —Maud Lavin, Professor, Art History, Theory and Criticism/Visual Critical Studies, SAIC
![]() —James Yood, Adjunct Professor, Art History, Theory and Criticism Department, SAIC; Regional Correspondent, Artforum If at home, I like to read the Financial Times weekend section and The Economist to reinforce my opinions with that of the Europeans of our dismal foreign policy, president, and the Iraq war debacle. The U.S. American news is only beginning to do so except for two of my favorites, “Democracy Now” and “This is Hell.” If I have time on the weekend, I go to the antique stores in my neighborhood — Edgewater Antique Mall and Broadway Antique Market — in hopes of finding the perfect coffee table. Instead I usually find clothes. If I have a full free day and a rental car, I go to Salvage One and Jan’s, plus they are close to the galleries. After going to Jan’s, which is a mess, I recover by looking at pictures of minimalist homes in design magazines. —Tricia Van Eck, Curatorial Coordinator and Curator of Artists’ Books, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
![]() My interest dates back to my first summer in Chicago, when Doug Huston introduced me to Parky’s on Roosevelt Road in Berwyn. A bizarre little asymmetrical stand with a home-made sign that almost was bigger than the restaurant – it was a woman’s hand, daintily holding a hot dog, and it was fraught with Freudian innuendo. Doug’s motto for Parky’s was to “throw out the dog and eat the fries,” which clued me in to the geographically specific wonder of Chicago french fries. I think more people judge Chicago hot dog stands by their fries than by anything else. Where else in the United States can you get fries cooked in duck fat???? It took me a while to acclimate to the typical condiments applied to a Chicago hot dog — I grew up eating them grilled with sauerkraut, raw onions, and mustard — but I’m now a devotee of the local style. Sadly, while driving along Roosevelt Road in Berwyn last week, I noticed that Parky’s had become a taco/burrito stand. It’s okay, though, since I’ve discovered Gene & Jude Red Hot Stand on River Road, I have absorbed the loss (and there’s another Parky’s on Harlem…). Not to mention, who doesn’t like the odd taco or burrito? —Mark Pascale, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings, Art Institute of Chicago My guilty pleasure is definitely watching television cooking shows. Because I love to cook and rarely have time to fix anything more complex than a bowl of spaghetti, let alone entertain my friends on a regular basis, these shows are my fantasy escape into a world of the immaculate kitchens and the delicious menus of Giada de Laurentiis, the Barefoot Contessa, Mario Batali, etc. It all started with “Yan Can Cook,” a Chinese cooking show that was on PBS several years ago (if Yan Can Cook, so can you!!), then came Martha (the Queen of Perfection), and then the Food Network was born and I discovered “Iron Chef” and Paula Deen (I would never make her artery-clogging recipes but it’s fun to imagine and I love listening to her Savannah accent!). I still catch Paula Deen and Giada on the weekends but my current can’t miss food shows are “Top Chef” (how could they not pick Sam!?) and “No Reservations” with Anthony Bourdain. —Julie Rodrigues Widholm, Assistant Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago illustrations by Natalie Edwards
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