FZINE: a place for high school students and teachers to read, interact, and contrbute. LAUNCH
To the Editor of F Newsmagazine:
In today’s paper there was a long article extolling the virtues of “peace activist” Rachel Corrie. Some might want to establish the image of this very misguided American as a “dove of peace,” but pictures are stronger than words.
And here is the most famous image of Rachel Corrie—burning an American flag in Gaza There is nothing particularly peaceful in her face contorted with anger. Nor did her fondness for hanging out with terrorists and supporting terror recommend itself as a peaceful activity, or a particularly honorable one. Your writer used a lot of ink for his lengthy opus, but skimped on the facts.
Sincerely, Fiona Grady via email May 2006 (Editor's note: F Newsmagazine could not obtain rights to reproduce the photo attached to the e-mail)