Letters to the Editors
Flawed Diversity
I may be a bit late in responding to [the March F News] question, but I would like to say that I think there is way too much emphasis (in general) on racial diversity. Maybe this sounds callous, but really, whose fault is it that there are mostly white firemen? Does that mean anything? Do you care? I sure as hell don't care what ethnicity a person is who protects me (or anyone else) from a fire. I guess I think it's at least an effort on the part of those who altered the photo of the firefighters to represent people of other ethnicities, but why does it matter what percentage of them are actually non-white? If we want to be fair, color-blind, and not ethno-centric, we need to stop putting these numbers in the way and stop trying to make everything equal statistically. Anyway, that's just my opinion. And I don't care if this is published or not, I'm just stating an opinion.
- Lisa Hensley,
Junior, BFA