
Bratton bids farewell
Dean of Undergraduate Studies leaves SAIC to accept College Presidency
in California
Making artists
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is changing the way it
thinks about how to teach artists-to-be. In 2004, SAIC’s First
Year Program will shift from the traditional modernist idea of the “artist
as isolated individual,” to the artist as collabrating “community
member” and “citizen.”
School News Brief
The Art Institute of Chicago Board of Trustees has announced the appointment
of James Cuno to the position of Director and President of the Art Institute.

Artists' Showcase
Matthew Rich
Keumjoo Suk
Barbie and her new appliances.
Reverend Billy arrested in Berlin
Homeland Security gobbles up the Art Fraud Investigation Center
Hirst: The rip-off artist?
An artistic shoe fetish
Photographer Helmut Newton passes on
Israeli Ambassador vandalizes an installation

LA LA LA Lovely
Chroeographer Eduard Lock, the man behind the moves
The Politics of Representation,
“The current state of unrest in Haiti is real. These events
are receiving international coverage in the media.” What does
the mention of Haiti conjure up in your mind?
Sites of Power, The
travels and travails of culture
When culture travels, it leaves its tracks, and those tracks lead
to Japan, USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, and China. More significantly,
it becomes evident that those who create culture are also the ones that
control it.
Lampo brings rare sounds
to Chicago
Over the past five years, Lampo has truly proven itself as a world-class
venue for experimental music and sound art.
Political Circus
This is what a police
state looks like
Protest and repression at the FTAA in Miami

Book Review
Xtreme Interiors
SAIC alumna Annette Ferrara and co-author Courtenay Smith tackle
the issue of interior designed living.
Art Reviews
Women Bare All
Local artists visually take on the meaning of a woman’s body
and sexuality. The nude female is alive and well, this winter exposing
herself on the walls of Chicago’s galleries.
The rewards of paying
Sea of Buddha, the recent show of Hiroshi Sugimoto’s photographs
and artists’ books curated by Stephanie Smith at the Smart Museum,
gave us an exquisitely tuned arrangement of images, all pointing our
attention toward attention itself.
"She must be
a monster"
Patty Jenkins tests our capacity for empathy in her new film about
Aileen Wuornos.
Film Reveiw
Feminism lite
Art and the lack of feminism in the new Julia Robert’s movie,
"Mona Lisa Smile".
