School News
School Departments Host Career Workshops
By Nancy Gildart
 | Illustration by Vidhi Kejriwal | Cool organizations, hip companies and fun artists: Career Development and the Cooperative Education Program will be bringing all these and more to the third annual Career Caf� to be held November 7, 8, and 9 in the school's ballroom. Students and alumni will be able to meet potential employers, make connections with arts advocacy and volunteer organizations, set up Co-op interviews, and meet inspiring entrepreneurs - many of whom are SAIC graduates.
The event will happen from 3 to 6 p.m. and each day will have a different set of resource people. The first day, Tuesday, will be devoted to time arts and new media. Wednesday will be devoted to design-related organizations and Thursday's lineup will include organizations suited to fine arts, art education, art history, writing, art therapy, and historic preservation.
Students can bring r�sum�s and portfolios, or just questions, to share with organizations at the Caf�. A good way for students to get the most out of the event is to make an appointment with a career counselor. They can help optimize portfolios and polish résumés as well as suggest questions a student might ask a potential employer.
Another way for students to prepare is to attend a workshop sponsored by Student Activities and Career Development:
Representing Yourself and Your Work, Display and Pricing Guidelines. This workshop will be on Wednesday, October 24 in the ballroom from 4 to 6 p.m. Students considering participating in the Holiday Art Sale will find this workshop especially beneficial. For more information on this workshop call Student Life at 312-899-7460, Career Development at 312-899-5103, or Student Government at 312-345-3606.
Though Career Café is intended to be an informal event, a big room full of people sitting at tables can be daunting even to the most practiced schmoozer. There will be Career Development and Co-op staff on hand to act as guides and provide introductions.
And of course there will be coffee.
Be sure to read the November issue of F to find out who will be there!
For more information on Career Café call Career Development at the number listed above or Co-op Education at 312-629-9160.