A Panel Discussion and Evening of Performances

This panel discussion was recorded in SAIC's McLean Ballroom on March 8, 2007.

To call it simply a panel discussion would not do it justice, however. Those present explored the implications and derivations of a movement: Detroit's techno music scene. Techno artists and scholars explore Detroit's culture and history, laid over top of two samples (the juxtaposition is our doing), the first by DJ Kero and the second by Chris McNamara.

Panelists include:

Trackmasta Lou (Scan 7, Underground Resistance, Cratesavers), Detroit
Kero (DETUND.com, Bpitch CTRL), Detroit/Windsor
Kate Simko (Traum, Kupei), Chicago
Chris McNamara (Thinkbox Collective, University of Michigan), Windsor
Dr. Garth Rennie (University of Windsor) Windsor
Gary Bredow (High Tech Soul), Detroit

special thanks to Adam Biagianti

Photographs courtesy Carol Summers